Monday, December 29, 2008

Super Start Strong Sunday!!! it's Monday.

Sunday was amazing.  Mostly because it was the last Sunday of 2009 and to me, such things matter.  Dates and ceremonies.

In the past year I would say that so many miracles and blessings happened.  I can confidently say the following:

1.  I know for sure what I want to do with my life and I'm getting there every day.  It's a lifelong journey and I love it.  It's not work - it's my legacy and I feel a very strong calling to it.  

2.  I don't care what anyone thinks of me and the things that I do or have done.  (Sometimes I care for a moment, then it fades away just as soon as that doubt showed up).  Only my opinion matters because I've been there since my conception and through all the ups and downs of my own journey.

3.  I am super duper confident in my daily choices and I allow myself to learn and falter as part of my journey.

4.  The most significant things about my year:

a)  meeting Paul Chek.  And for the first time since I became interested in health and fitness, I met someone who actually followed the advice he gave people, and who actually made sense and looked at the whole person, instead of just muscles and appearance.  Meeting Paul has changed my life in amazing ways.  He is not a hero or anything.  His legacy journey just happens to be one that can reach me and inspire me in ways that I need.  It's about finding an approach that works for you as an individual so you can be your best...In August, I attended a Q & A session here in TO.  For the first time in my life I heard someone answer questions I had had all my life in a way that just clicked and made sense and was true.  Like:  how come some people are born into difficult situations?  etc...  Rock on Paul.

b)  meeting my boyfriend.  For me it all happened unexpectedly at a moment when I wasn't thinking about dating because my energies were so focused on triathlon and leaving NYC.  I am blessed because I met someone pretty kool who I actually care about and doesn't bore me - in fact challenges me to grow.  My first internal response after meeting him was "wow-cool people like this actually exist?"  and" i thought i was the coolest person ever, how can someone be cooler?"!!!!!  anyway.  it was quite humbling.  Also I've been in a healthy place in my life for a while now and it's nice to be in a healthy relationship that's not about obsessive everysecondcalling, codependence and other obsessions.  I guess this relationship seems to be in line with where I am in terms of self love and wanting to share myself in healthy ways and learn from/with him.  Thanks handsome.  (hnk if you're reading this:))

c)  Going home to see my family.  After 8yrs.  I can't believe I actually made that decision to see them.  It was financially and emotionally a difficult decision to make.  I was heartsick to see them and I feel like I've seen them and now I need to focus on taking care of just me for a while.  I've given everything in being there for them for 8.5 years.  Emotionally and financially.  I've reached a place where I just need my life to be about me in North America.  Seeing them made me realize they were alive.  That's all I needed to see.  Now I must move on and focus soley on stabilizing my own life and in a few years I'll be even more of a solid rock for them and with them.

d)  Focusing on my journey.  Letting others take responsibility for their own issues.  Letting others make their own mistakes.  Unless someone is my client or seeking out my advice, allowing them to make their own health and wellness journey.  After all it's a journey, nobody has all the answers and one person's answers are different from those of the next person.

e)  Again letting go.  Focusing on me and what I need.  Always.

f)  Feeding the things that  make me happy and grow in healthy ways.  Being thankful for my blessings.

I'm disabling comments for this post.  Just coz this particular post is rather sacred to me and needs no judgement or encouragement.  It just is.  This is where I am now.  I embrace it.

See y'all on here in 2009!  I'm definitely back to blogging all the time now so check my blog!!!  Juicy posts coming along.  I don't have a journal so this space will be my journal.  Maybe you'll learn more things about me like - which South Park character I would like to meet...or the things that are running through my mind at 3am...also want to write down my dreams on here...


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