Saturday, January 10, 2009

I miss New York City...

listening to Stacey Kent's Manhattan doesn't help things!

I'm excited about my next visit there. 2010 here I come! New York will always be home. All the awesome things I did there. All my friends who I miss so much.

It is good to be away from New York City, because I can breathe and think away from the madness. I need this Toronto calm for my sanity. My dream world has several visits to New York every few months. Well 2010. Hold on world!

2010 Paris perhaps also.


NYC Educator said...

We'll try to keep it in good shape for you. But we never promised you a rose garden. However, if you come during summertime, you may just luck out.

africannewyorkerintoronto said...

Thanks for keeping the rats away from the rose gardens. The first thing I'll probably do is visit a school and offer to grade papers! Once an educator always...