Sunday, January 25, 2009

The best time of day to see downtown Toronto...

7am on a weekend morning! I love to be up and about early and today I had the privelege of seeing Toronto before the dawn and reveling in the pre-rush beauty. There is just something so beautiful to me about that. I love early morning.

It reminded me of early morning New York City. Somehow everything seems pure. This sense of light & beauty being right around the corner. The smell of fresh baked goodies for the morning crowds...

Why I love big cities!!! The pre-dawn new life airs that give you a glimpse of a quieter version of the city and give you a chance to witness who works behind the scenes to make our cities thrive...On the extreme end, I love a night on the town. City lights with the promise of wild times and wonderful music...

I have yet to really experience Toronto at night. All in good time:)

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