For me, success is following my heart regardless of what society says. Success is answering only to myself and knowing that as long as I'm alright with it, then it's definitely alright.
I feel so blessed. I am very blessed.
To get where I am it's taken being true to myself and leaving a life of supposed stability that was literally killing me. I've let go of that feeling of trying to justify my decisions to the world. It's a really grand place to be where I am.
In Dec. 2007 I made my Dream wall, in November 2008, I made my soul painting, and in January 2009, I created my vision board.
I was able to share my vision board with some friends last night. It was uplifting to share. My positive energy, strength & vision is a million times stronger than any doubt that anyone holds in their mind.
Being unconventional has always been me. I believe everyone gets to define their own world and that there is no collective way that we must all be. 2.5 kids and a white picket fence and a stressful 9-5 for life and retirement at 65. FUCK THAT.
What's MY dream? well - if you're lucky I'll show you my vision board:)
My life has been this amazing crescendo and I'm at an awesome part in my journey. I would say that the most significant moments are:
- moving to NYC June '06
- working with a fitness trainer October '06
- pledging to a year of celibacy, teetotaller life & vegetarianism January '07
- realizing I needed to do everything it took to see my family December '07
- completing the NYC tri July '08
- launching into a new country not knowing what it would be like, but knowing it's where I needed to be. August '08
- Making the commitment to making myself the priority in my life January '09
It's so beautiful to find communities of people working on unconventional. It's not about rebellion at all. I think more and more it's apparent to me how society brainwashes us wherever we are. I hate colleges and institutions and formal education. I always have hated those things. I think it's that everything that has taught me to survive and make it is not in a book or taught to me, but rather learned through experience. I think of all the nonsense that many parents feed to their children. The effin lies. Maybe I talk about my own family here. It's taken forever to let go of the things I was taught early on in life and just claim my own beliefs.
What most inspired me to post was reading this article: CLICK HERETo me reading such things and knowing that there are people I gel with and people around whom my way of thinking is the norm, is so beautiful. That's a community that helps me at all points of my journey. I need to be surrounded by envelope pushers and life outside boxes.
It's time. Step outside of corporations, pharmaceutical companies, convention, compliance, norms. Do something different today, just for you!
It's not a singular journey & I am grateful for the love, support & patience of others.