Sunday, September 14, 2008

Today is September 14th and I am giving thanks for 14 things

Things I am grateful for today in TO
  1. A good HOME
  2. The beautiful green spaces along Queen St. East
  3. Enlightenment
  4. My dad & how he inspires me
  5. Streetcars
  6. Books and how they captivate me
  7. My triathlon
  8. Water
  9. My friends all over the world who support me
  10. My family
  11. Growth
  12. Today's amazing Start Strong Sunday
  13. Soul food
  14. Congregation


Anonymous said...

mhhh seems like u in a good place physically, mentally and spiritually.. that is great sis, relish on these moments

Anonymous said...

thanks sis. Doing pretty well and quite thankful:)